Being prepared with a Just In Case folder can save your loved ones a lot of stress during a difficult time. This folder will be like a roadmap for them to navigate through your personal and financial matters, should you not be able to.
You can include your will, life insurance policies, bank account information, property deeds, and any other important documents.
It might also be helpful to jot down some notes or instructions about your wishes, like funeral preferences or who to contact in case of emergencies.
By having everything in one place, you’re making it easier for your family to handle your affairs and avoid unnecessary confusion during an already emotional period.
Sure, it’s not something we want to think about, but having a ‘Just In Case’ folder can bring some peace of mind, knowing your loved ones won’t be left scrambling to figure things out when you’re no longer around.
If you want to learn more about the Just In Case folder, check out this blog post where I go into more detail about how to set one up
If you find this useful, let me know! I’d love to hear if you’ll be implementing a folder for your family.
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